We keep getting better, because of you

Nearly every day, we improve the way that Rewordify.com simplifies text. For example, we just added words like neurochemicals and dyscalculia, phrases like faculty members and universal coverage, and the site now knows the difference between crude (oil) prices, crude (rough and low-quality) devices, crude (rude and sexual) comments, and crude (rough) estimates in a sentence like this: (Copy-paste it into Rewordify.com if you want to be impressed.)

The woman used a crude digging device to figure out where to dig the next crude oil well; her friend gave her an estimate that was crude, but she felt confident enough to start digging even though her friend made crude, unwanted remarks.

Please keep sending in your suggestions for improvement; we love adding new features and making the site more useful, so more people use the site to read more. Just contact us about anything on your mind; we'll respond personally every time!

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