What's New!

  • The "Add List" and the "Skip List" on the settings page now display a counter to let you know how many characters are left in those fields. The current limit is 2000 characters. If you find you need more space, contact us.
  • We added some great books to our "Read" page. More info.
  • We changed the name of some of our settings to make them clearer. "Loud" is now "Highlight," "Reverse Loud" is now "Reverse Highlight," etc.
  • We updated the Rewordifying Engine.
  • You can now synchronize all your custom settings, including your Skip List and Add List, so you can use them on other computers. This lets all your students quickly set their computers with your custom word lists and highlighting settings, for a consistent learning experience. Here's how.
  • We updated the Rewordifying Engine.
  • Please tell us how we can make Rewordify.com better. We love to hear from you.

We've been busy making Rewordify.com even better!
  • New feature: the "Add List." You can now add your own customized list of words and definitions to the site. All words you add on a particular computer will be included in the Rewordifying Engine for that computer. The word list you add will only work on the computer to which you add the words. It's a great way to help tailor the site to the needs of your learners. Try it out now.
  • Better Reading Level Accuracy: We improved the way that we calculate Reading Level to include average sentence length. There's a lot more information in this .pdf document.
  • More Text Information: When you rewordify a block of text, you can now see text stats and Reading Levels of the original and rewordified text.
  • Sentence Separation: Rewordify.com tries to separate certain longer sentences into two shorter sentences, as long as the meaning isn't changed significantly. It does this to try to improve the readability of the passage it rewordifies. Read more here.
  • Improved Rewordifying Engine. We added over 100 new words to the Rewordifying Engine and improved dozens of existing definitions.
  • Refined the definitions of over 150 words
  • Fixed bug in On-Screen Word Bank that prevented it from working well on certain devices
  • Updated Rewordifying Engine so that it would be better at figuring out which Capitalized Words in the Middle Of Sentences Like This were names that should not be rewordified and which were Capitalized Nouns and Titles Of Films, etc., that should be rewordified.
  • Shortened and simplified the "Details" page with a new "How to..." section at the top.
  • Improved the Rewordifying Engine when capitalized difficult words are in the middle of sentences. Documents like the Declaration of Independence should now have a more complete and accurate translation.
  • Bug fix: when browsing a large number of web sites, you may have gotten a "Bad Request" because of a cookie error. This should no longer happen.
  • We added our first lesson plan on the newly-renamed educator page. Try it out in your classroom and let us know how we can improve it.
  • We made dozens of definition refinements and added hundreds more words to the Rewordifying Engine, for more accurate translations.
  • Over 540 new words added to the Rewordifying Engine, and dozens of definitions were refined and updated.
  • Shakespeare's Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet have much more detailed and accurate translations; over 1,500 difficult words and phrases are simplified in those two plays. More of Shakespeare's plays will get an even more detailed and accurate translation very soon. Here's the classic literature link; scroll down to "Shakespeare, complete works."

  • Significantly improved the appearance of the links at the bottom of the page
  • Added words to and refined the Rewordifying Engine

  • Updated Rewordifying Engine with approx. 40 new words and 10 refined definitions
  • Updated 2 videos on YouTube channel

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