Before suggesting a change

We need your help to make better at making English easier to read.

Before sending us a suggestion, please know:

  • Some web pages won't look right, or won't be readable, when you try to rewordify them. It can be impossible for us to display certain web pages correctly because of the way those pages are written. Give us the URL that doesn't display right, and we'll try to fix it, though. If you can't read a rewordified web page, just copy the original page's text and rewordify it from the bottom box on our home page.
  • If you have a suggestion for improving how we rewordify something, please give us details. Don't just say something like, "You're messing up the word "specious." Tell us the word or phrase you think we could improve, and give us the URL (or sentence) where our mistake exists. Tell us why we're wrong and how we can do better.
  • If it looks like we rewordified something wrong, first check the original writing to make sure that the original author didn't misuse a word. For example, did he or she write "this is an eminent threat" instead of "this is an imminent threat"?
  • We might not use your suggestion because words can mean different things, and your suggestion might result in our producing sentences that don't make sense.
  • We might not rewordify a word, name, or phrase if it's an important person or term, because we encourage learning. We won't oversimplify language so much that you don't learn anything new.
 Thanks a lot for helping us improve!

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