Think of this site as a stepstool, not a jet-pack you strap on to go flying all over the world.
The truth is, there's no such thing as a jet-pack that will fly you all over the world, and there's no such thing as a computer that can simplify everything. can help you understand more of what you read, but there are thousands and thousands of wonderful words that will make your life a lot more interesting if you know them.
You see,'s computers are good at taking complicated words, like veracity, and rewording them to simpler versions. (Veracity means "truthfulness", by the way.)
But what about terms like diabetes and impressionism? These are names of big, important things that can't be simply reworded. You'll be better off if you know what they are.
It wouldn't be right for this site's computers to
simplify things so much that all the beauty, meaning, and wisdom of
language is stripped away. Diabetes isn't just a "sickness", and impressionism isn't just "art."
So, keep reading and keep learning. If you see a word that you don't know, ask someone what it means, or look it up online!
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