Site upgrade on 9/15/2013 received some great new features over the weekend. The best way to experience them is to do the new demo on the home page. Here's what we did:

New Feature: Save Link To Text Passage

Description: When you rewordify a text passage, you can get a link to the result. Anyone with that link can then view that text passage.

Benefit: Easy coordination and control of learning. Teachers can save text passages to a unique link, and share that link with learners throughout the world. All learners with that link see the exact same passage in

New Feature: Learn from a web page

Description: When viewing a rewordified web page, there's a new "Learn" link that appears at the top left. Clicking that link causes all the hard words in the web page to be extracted to, for easy access to learning activities. The word list can be saved using the Save Link to Text Passage feature!

Benefit: Easy to use a high-interest web page as a source for learning.


Improved Feature: Faster Settings Change

Description: When changing settings, clicking "Save Settings" at the bottom now immediately takes you back to the previous page and re-displays the content with the new display settings. Prior to this, you had to click a "go back" link and click "Refresh," which sometimes required you to click another dialog box.

Benefit: Saves time. It now takes one click to save settings and see the result, instead of three or four.

Improved Feature: Better Rewordified Text Results Screen

Description: When rewordifying text, the result page has more information presented in a more organized, colorful, intuitive manner that allows you to better see information and use Learning Tools with fewer clicks.

Benefit: Saves time, improved site usability.

Bug Fixes:

  • Screen used to jump down to the yellow text entry box when showing rewordified text, which was annoying. This has been fixed.
  • Home page now shows an easier-to-understand message when you try to rewordify nothing.
  • A small number of rewordified words with apostrophes would not display correctly when clicked on. This has been fixed.

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